import Control.Monad (filterM, foldM) import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Array as A import Data.Array.ST import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.List as L (find, uncons) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Tuple as T (swap) import Data.Vector.Mutable as V hiding (foldM, mapM_) import Prelude import Prelude as P (length) data BucketQueue s a = BQ Int (V.MVector s [a]) instance Show (BucketQueue s a) where show (BQ top _) = show top insert :: BucketQueue s a -> (Int,a) -> ST s (BucketQueue s a) insert (BQ top buckets) (prio,x) = V.modify buckets (x:) prio >> return (BQ (min top prio) buckets) view :: BucketQueue s a -> MaybeT (ST s) (a, BucketQueue s a) view (BQ top buckets) = do (x, xs) <- buckets top >>= hoistMaybe . L.uncons lift $ V.write buckets top xs top' <- lift $ findTop top buckets return (x, BQ top' buckets) {-# SCC view #-} findTop :: Int -> V.MVector s [a] -> ST s Int findTop n v = do top <- v n case top of [] -> if n < V.length v - 1 then findTop (n+1) v else return n _ -> return n newBQ :: Int -> ST s (BucketQueue s a) newBQ n = BQ n <$> V.replicate n [] next :: Direction -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) next North (x,y) = (x,y-1) next South (x,y) = (x,y+1) next West (x,y) = (x-1,y) next East (x,y) = (x+1,y) left :: Direction -> Direction left North = West left West = South left South = East left East = North right :: Direction -> Direction right North = East right East = South right South = West right West = North type Node = ((Int,Int), Direction) type Frontier s = BucketQueue s Node data Direction = North | South | East | West deriving (Eq,Ix,Ord,Show) data Tile = Wall | Tile { untile :: [Direction] } type Map = A.Array (Int,Int) Tile type Costs s = STArray s Node (Maybe Int) neighbours :: (Int,Int) -> [(Direction, (Int,Int))] neighbours (x,y) = [ (North, (x,y-1)) , (South, (x,y+1)) , (West, (x-1,y)) , (East, (x+1,y)) ] parseMap :: [String] -> Map parseMap s = let w = P.length (head s) - 1 h = P.length s - 1 f p = case g p of '#' -> Wall _ -> Tile . map fst . filter ((/= '#') . g . snd) $ neighbours p g (x,y) = s !! y !! x in array ((0,0),(w,h)) [ ((x,y), f (x,y)) | x <- [0..w] , y <- [0..h] ] findStart :: [String] -> (Int,Int) findStart ls = let Just p = L.find ((== 'S') . snd) [ ((x,y), ls !! y !! x) | x <- [0..P.length (head ls) - 1] , y <- [0..P.length ls - 1] ] in fst p findGoal :: [String] -> (Int,Int) findGoal ls = let Just p = L.find ((== 'E') . snd) [ ((x,y), ls !! y !! x) | x <- [0..P.length (head ls) - 1] , y <- [0..P.length ls - 1] ] in fst p distance :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int distance (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = let a = fromIntegral $ x0 - x1 b = fromIntegral $ y0 - y1 in floor $ sqrt (a^2 + b^2) expand :: Map -> (Node, Maybe Int) -> [(Node,Maybe Int)] expand m ((pos, dir), Just cost) = [((next dir pos, dir), Just $ cost + 1) | dir `elem` untile (m A.! pos)] ++ ((\x -> ((pos,x), Just $ cost + 1000)) <$> [left dir, right dir]) pathThrough :: Map -> (Node,Maybe Int) -> Node -> (Node,Maybe Int) pathThrough m through dest = head . filter ((== dest) . fst) $ expand m through betterPath :: Map -> (Node,Maybe Int) -> (Node,Maybe Int) -> (Node,Maybe Int) betterPath m through dest@(node,oldCost) = let n@(_,newCost) = pathThrough m through node in if newCost < oldCost then n else dest cost :: Costs s -> Node -> ST s (Node, Maybe Int) cost costs node = (node,) <$> readArray costs node data PathingResult s = Success Int | Fail | Working (Frontier s, Costs s) heuristic :: (Int,Int) -> (Node,Int) -> (Node,Int) heuristic goal (n@(p,_),f) = (n, f + distance goal p) (///) :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Show i, Show e) => a i e -> [(i,e)] -> m () a /// asss = mapM_ (uncurry (writeArray a)) asss unvisited :: Costs s -> Node -> ST s Bool unvisited costs node = (== Nothing) <$> readArray costs node pathOnce :: Map -> (Int,Int) -> Frontier s -> Costs s -> ST s (PathingResult s) pathOnce m goal frontier costs = runMaybeT (view frontier) >>= maybe (return Fail) continue where continue (current@(p,_), rest) | p == goal = Success . fromJust <$> readArray costs current | otherwise = do curCost <- cost costs current let nexts = expand m curCost frontier' <- filterM (unvisited costs . fst) nexts >>= foldM insert rest . map (T.swap . heuristic goal . second fromJust) costs /// map (betterPath m curCost) nexts return . Working $ (frontier', costs) findPath :: Map -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ST s Int findPath m start goal = do frontier <- {-# SCC "frontier" #-} let (_,(w,h)) = bounds m in newBQ (100*w*h) >>= flip insert (0,(start,East)) costs <- let (lower,upper) = bounds m in newArray ((lower,North),(upper,West)) Nothing writeArray costs (start,East) (Just 0) loop frontier costs where loop :: Frontier s -> Costs s -> ST s Int loop frontier costs = do once <- pathOnce m goal frontier costs case once of Success x -> return x Fail -> error "no path" Working (frontier', costs') -> loop frontier' costs' main :: IO () main = do input <- lines <$> getContents let m = parseMap input let start = findStart input let goal = findGoal input print (runST $ findPath m start goal :: Int)