import Control.Monad as M (foldM) import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.HashSet as HS import Data.List as L import Data.Tuple as T import Prelude import Prelude as P (filter, foldl, map, read, take) import Data.Vector.Mutable as V type Node = (Int,Int) type Blocked = HS.HashSet Node type Visited = HM.HashMap Node Int type Frontier s = BucketQueue s Node data BucketQueue s a = BQ Int (V.MVector s [a]) data PathingResult s = Success Int | Fail | Working (Frontier s, Visited) insert :: BucketQueue s a -> (Int,a) -> ST s (BucketQueue s a) insert (BQ top buckets) (prio,x) = V.modify buckets (x:) prio >> return (BQ (min top prio) buckets) view :: BucketQueue s a -> MaybeT (ST s) (a, BucketQueue s a) view (BQ top buckets) = do (x, xs) <- buckets top >>= hoistMaybe . L.uncons lift $ V.write buckets top xs top' <- lift $ findTop top buckets return (x, BQ top' buckets) findTop :: Int -> V.MVector s [a] -> ST s Int findTop n v = do top <- v n case top of [] -> if n < V.length v - 1 then findTop (n+1) v else return n _ -> return n newBQ :: Int -> ST s (BucketQueue s a) newBQ n = BQ n <$> V.replicate n [] neighbours :: Node -> [Node] neighbours (x,y) = [ (x+1,y) , (x-1,y) , (x,y+1) , (x,y-1) ] expand :: Int -> Blocked -> Node -> [Node] expand coordMax blocked = P.filter p . neighbours where p :: Node -> Bool p n@(x,y) = not (HS.member n blocked) && min x y >= 0 && max x y <= coordMax crowDistance :: Node -> Node -> Int crowDistance (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = let a = fromIntegral $ x0 - x1 :: Double b = fromIntegral $ y0 - y1 :: Double in floor $ sqrt (a**2 + b**2) cost :: Visited -> Node -> Int cost = (HM.!) betterPath :: Visited -> Node -> Node -> Int betterPath visited through node | HM.member node visited = min (cost visited node) (cost visited through + 1) | otherwise = cost visited through + 1 heuristic :: Node -> (Node,Int) -> (Node,Int) heuristic goal (p,c) = (p, c + crowDistance p goal) pathingStep :: Int -> Node -> Blocked -> Visited -> Frontier s -> ST s (PathingResult s) pathingStep coordMax goal blocked visited frontier = runMaybeT (view frontier) >>= maybe (return Fail) continue where continue (current, rest) | current == goal = return . Success $ cost visited current | otherwise = do let nexts = expand coordMax blocked current let nextsCosts = (betterPath visited current) nexts let visited' = P.foldl (flip $ uncurry HM.insert) visited $ zip nexts nextsCosts frontier' <- M.foldM Main.insert rest . (T.swap . heuristic goal) . P.filter (not . (`HM.member` visited) . fst) $ zip nexts nextsCosts return $ Working (frontier', visited') findDistance :: Int -> Blocked -> ST s Int findDistance coordMax blocked = do let start = (0,0) let goal = (coordMax, coordMax) let visited = HM.insert start 0 HM.empty frontier <- newBQ (coordMax ^ (2 :: Int)) >>= flip Main.insert (0, start) loop goal visited frontier where loop :: Node -> Visited -> Frontier s -> ST s Int loop g v f = do once <- pathingStep coordMax g blocked v f case once of Success x -> return x Fail -> error "no path" Working (f',v') -> loop g v' f' parsePoint :: String -> Node parsePoint s = $ '(' : s ++ ")" parse :: String -> [Node] parse = parsePoint . lines main :: IO () main = do input <- getContents let blocked = HS.fromList . P.take 1024 $ parse input print $ runST $ findDistance 70 blocked