* pickme : a simple emoji picker ** synopsis you type in a string and it lists the emojis whose names contain that string. when you click an emoji, it is added to your primary selection, which means you can insert it anywhere by clicking your middle mouse button. the primary selection is cleared when pickme exits, so keep it open until you paste the emoji. you can create ~$XDG_DATA_HOME/pickme/favorites~ with a single-line string of emojis to display before any search is entered. ** dependencies + normal posixey environment + gtk 4 + normal haskell dev environment ** building #+BEGIN_SRC sh make #+END_SRC ** installation #+BEGIN_SRC sh ( d=$( [-n $XDG_DATA_HOME ] && echo $XDG_DATA_HOME || "~/.local/share" ) ; mkdir -p $d/pickme ; mv UnicodeData.txt $d/pickme ) # put the `pickme' binary in your favourite place to put binaries. #+END_SRC