path: root/14-1.hs
diff options
authorLaura Orvokki Kursula <>2024-12-14 19:12:03 +0100
committerLaura Orvokki Kursula <>2024-12-14 19:12:03 +0100
commitdd36c9e670d46387ce401179301ec2232fbb2130 (patch)
tree60efdd71e31e9717bdb2d2e7969383792dd04050 /14-1.hs
parentbb7d691b6fd4e3136e8e03e2d39765de0137c85b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '14-1.hs')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/14-1.hs b/14-1.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8044c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/14-1.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Text.Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.Char
+data Vec = Vec Int Int deriving Show
+data Robot = Robot { pos :: Vec, vel :: Vec } deriving Show
+data Conf = Conf { width :: Int, height :: Int}
+doParse :: String -> [Robot]
+doParse s = case parse inputp "" s of
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right xs -> xs
+inputp :: Parsec String () [Robot]
+inputp = sepBy robotp newline
+robotp :: Parsec String () Robot
+robotp = Robot
+ <$> posp
+ <* char ' '
+ <*> velp
+posp :: Parsec String () Vec
+posp = Vec
+ <$ string "p="
+ <*> number
+ <* char ','
+ <*> number
+velp :: Parsec String () Vec
+velp = Vec
+ <$ string "v="
+ <*> number
+ <* char ','
+ <*> number
+number :: Parsec String () Int
+number = ((read .) . (:)) . fromMaybe '0'
+ <$> optionMaybe (char '-')
+ <*> many1 digit
+update :: Conf -> Robot -> Robot
+update c (Robot (Vec x y) v@(Vec vx vy)) = wrap c $ Robot (Vec (x+vx) (y+vy)) v
+wrap :: Conf -> Robot -> Robot
+wrap c = wrapH c . wrapV c
+wrapH :: Conf -> Robot -> Robot
+wrapH c r | tooLeft c r = wrapRight c r
+ | tooRight c r = wrapLeft c r
+ | otherwise = r
+ where
+ tooLeft _ (Robot (Vec x _) _) = x < 0
+ tooRight (Conf w _) (Robot (Vec x _) _) = x >= w
+ wrapRight (Conf w _) r@(Robot (Vec x y) _) = r { pos = Vec (x+w) y }
+ wrapLeft (Conf w _) r@(Robot (Vec x y) _) = r { pos = Vec (x-w) y }
+wrapV :: Conf -> Robot -> Robot
+wrapV c r | tooHigh c r = wrapDown c r
+ | tooLow c r = wrapUp c r
+ | otherwise = r
+ where
+ tooHigh _ (Robot (Vec _ y) _) = y < 0
+ tooLow (Conf _ h) (Robot (Vec _ y) _) = y >= h
+ wrapDown (Conf _ h) r@(Robot (Vec x y) _) = r { pos = Vec x (y+h) }
+ wrapUp (Conf _ h) r@(Robot (Vec x y) _) = r { pos = Vec x (y-h) }
+within :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Robot -> Bool
+within (x0,x1) (y0,y1) (Robot (Vec x y) _) =
+ x >= x0 && x < x1 && y >= y0 && y < y1
+score :: Conf -> [Robot] -> Int
+score (Conf w h) rs =
+ let leftHalf = w `div` 2
+ rightHalf = leftHalf + 1
+ topHalf = h `div` 2
+ botHalf = topHalf + 1
+ q1 = filter (within (0,leftHalf) (0,topHalf)) rs
+ q2 = filter (within (rightHalf,w) (0,topHalf)) rs
+ q3 = filter (within (0,leftHalf) (botHalf,h)) rs
+ q4 = filter (within (rightHalf,w) (botHalf,h)) rs
+ in product $ map length [q1,q2,q3,q4]
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ input <- getContents
+ let conf = Conf 101 103
+ print
+ . score conf
+ . (!! 100)
+ . iterate (map (update conf))
+ . doParse
+ $ input