path: root/6-2.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '6-2.hs')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/6-2.hs b/6-2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5153fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6-2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Parallel
+import Control.Parallel.Strategies
+import Data.List ((\\), intersperse, nub)
+type Map = [[Tile]]
+data Tile = Free | Obstacle deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Coords = Coords Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
+type Vel = Coords
+width, height :: [[a]] -> Int
+width = length . head
+height = length
+map2 :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
+map2 = map . map
+showMap :: Map -> String
+showMap = unlines . map2 f
+ where
+ f :: Tile -> Char
+ f Free = '.'
+ f Obstacle = '#'
+sub :: Map -> Coords -> Tile
+sub m c@(Coords x y)
+ | outOfBounds m c = Free
+ | otherwise = m !! y !! x
+parseLines :: [[Char]] -> Map
+parseLines =
+ let p c = case c of
+ '#' -> Obstacle
+ _ -> Free
+ in map2 p
+startingPosition :: [[Char]] -> Coords
+startingPosition = head . coords . map2 (== '^')
+ where
+ coords :: [[Bool]] -> [Coords]
+ coords xs = [ Coords x y | x <- [0 .. width xs - 1]
+ , y <- [0 .. height xs - 1]
+ , xs !! y !! x
+ ]
+move :: Vel -> Coords -> Coords
+move (Coords vx vy) (Coords px py) = Coords (px + vx) (py + vy)
+checkAhead :: Map -> Vel -> Coords -> Bool
+checkAhead m = (((== Free) . sub m) .) . move
+turn :: Vel -> Coords -> (Coords, Vel)
+turn v p = let rot (Coords x y) = Coords (-y) x
+ v' = rot v
+ in (move v' p, v')
+step :: Map -> Vel -> Coords -> (Coords, Vel)
+step m v p = if checkAhead m v p
+ then (move v p, v)
+ else turn v p
+outOfBounds :: Map -> Coords -> Bool
+outOfBounds m (Coords x y) = x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h
+ where
+ w = width m
+ h = height m
+-- return true if loop
+run :: Map -> Vel -> Coords -> State [(Coords,Vel)] Bool
+run m v p = do
+ if outOfBounds m p
+ then return False
+ else do
+ t <- get
+ if (p,v) `elem` t
+ then return True
+ else do
+ modify ((p,v):)
+ let (p', v') = step m v p
+ in run m v' p'
+block :: Map -> (Int, Int) -> Map
+block m (x,y) =
+ [
+ [ if (x',y') == (x,y)
+ then Obstacle
+ else sub m (Coords x' y')
+ | x' <- [0 .. width m - 1] ]
+ | y' <- [0 .. height m - 1]
+ ]
+possibilities :: Map -> [Coords]-> [Map]
+possibilities m cs =
+ let coords = map (\ (Coords x y) -> (x,y)) cs
+ in coords `pseq` (map (block m) coords `using` parList rseq)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ ls <- lines <$> getContents
+ let m = parseLines ls
+ let p = startingPosition ls
+ let v = Coords 0 (-1)
+ let path = map fst $ execState (run m v p) []
+ let ms = possibilities m $ nub path
+ let res = ms `pseq` (map (\ n -> evalState (run n v p) []) ms `using` parList rdeepseq)
+-- putStr . unlines . intersperse "--" . map (showMap . fst) . filter snd . zip ms $ res
+ print . length . filter id $ res
+-- print . length $ ms