diff options
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/13-1.hs b/13-1.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e295598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/13-1.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import Data.Array
+import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator)
+import Text.Parsec
+type Matrix = Array (Int,Int) Rational
+type Pair = (Rational,Rational)
+det :: Matrix -> Rational
+det m = a*d - b*c
+ where
+ a = m ! (1,1)
+ b = m ! (2,1)
+ c = m ! (1,2)
+ d = m ! (2,2)
+matrix :: Pair -> Pair -> Matrix
+matrix (a,c) (b,d) =
+ array ((1,1),(2,2)) [((1,1),a), ((2,1),b), ((1,2),c), ((2,2),d)]
+solve :: Pair -> Pair -> Pair -> Pair
+solve target a b = (solA, solB)
+ where
+ coefficients = matrix a b
+ solA = det (matrix target b) / det coefficients
+ solB = det (matrix a target) / det coefficients
+int :: Rational -> Bool
+int = (== 1) . denominator
+maybeSolve :: Pair -> Pair -> Pair -> Maybe Pair
+maybeSolve target a b =
+ let sol@(a',b') = solve target a b
+ in if int a' && int b'
+ then Just sol
+ else Nothing
+cost :: Pair -> Pair -> Pair -> Int
+cost target a b = case maybeSolve target a b of
+ Nothing -> 0
+ Just (a',b') -> fromIntegral . numerator $ 3*a' + b'
+cost' :: (Pair,Pair,Pair) -> Int
+cost' (a, b, target) = cost target a b
+number :: Parsec String () Rational
+number = fromInteger . read <$> many digit
+button :: Parsec String () Pair
+button = (,)
+ <$ string "Button "
+ <* anyChar
+ <* string ": X+"
+ <*> number
+ <* string ", Y+"
+ <*> number
+ <* newline
+prize :: Parsec String () Pair
+prize = (,)
+ <$ string "Prize: X="
+ <*> number
+ <* string ", Y="
+ <*> number
+ <* newline
+parseOne :: Parsec String () (Pair,Pair,Pair)
+parseOne = (,,) <$> button <*> button <*> prize
+parseInput :: Parsec String () [(Pair,Pair,Pair)]
+parseInput = sepBy parseOne newline
+doParse :: String -> [(Pair,Pair,Pair)]
+doParse s = case parse parseInput "" s of
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right a -> a
+main :: IO ()
+main = getContents >>= print . sum . map cost' . doParse