diff options
authorLaura <>2023-01-05 15:13:43 +0100
committerLaura <>2023-01-05 15:13:43 +0100
commit72d657815b4e4bc2a8a0de5301cea06c991b3cd4 (patch)
Initial commit
3 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea3d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+SRCS := miaowe.hs
+TARGET := miaowe
+ ghc -g -o $(TARGET) $(SRCS)
diff --git a/miaowe.hs b/miaowe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24d7506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miaowe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+-- IRC art (spam)bot
+import Data.Bits
+import qualified Data.ByteString as S
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S.Char8
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S.Internal
+import Data.List
+import Data.Word
+import System.Directory
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import Text.Printf
+--import Debug.Trace
+type BitMap = [Word8]
+type MircString = String
+type PpmBmp = [Word8]
+type IrcChannel = String
+data Image = Image {
+ imgBmp :: BitMap,
+ imgPitch :: Int,
+ imgHeight :: Int
+ }
+ctrlC = [toEnum 03] :: String
+ctrlO = [toEnum 15] :: String
+ctrlV = [toEnum 22] :: String
+w24ToMirc :: BitMap -> MircString
+w24ToMirc word
+ -- White
+ | (word!!0 > 210) && (word!!1 > 210) && (word!!2 > 210)
+ = "0"
+ -- Black
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "1"
+ -- Light red
+ | (word!!0 > 127) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "4"
+ -- Light green
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 > 147) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "9"
+ -- Light blue
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 > 127)
+ = "12"
+ -- Red (aka brown)
+ | (word!!0 <= 127) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "5"
+ -- Green
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 <= 147) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "3"
+ -- Blue
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 <= 127)
+ = "2"
+ -- Yellow
+ | (word!!0 > 252) && (word!!1 > 127) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "8"
+ -- Orange
+ | (word!!0 <= 252) && (word!!1 <= 127) && (word!!2 == 0)
+ = "7"
+ -- Pink
+ | (word!!0 > 156) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 > 156)
+ = "13"
+ -- Purple
+ | (word!!0 <= 156) && (word!!1 == 0) && (word!!2 <= 156)
+ = "6"
+ -- Light cyan
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 > 147) && (word!!2 > 147)
+ = "11"
+ -- Cyan
+ | (word!!0 == 0) && (word!!1 <= 147) && (word!!2 <= 147)
+ = "10"
+ -- Light grey
+ | (word!!0 > 127) && (word!!1 > 127) && (word!!2 > 127)
+ = "15"
+ -- Grey
+ | otherwise = "14"
+lineToMirc :: BitMap -> MircString
+lineToMirc [] = []
+lineToMirc line = ctrlC ++ w24ToMirc (take 3 line) ++ ctrlV ++ " " ++ ctrlO
+ ++ lineToMirc (drop 3 line)
+bmpToMirc :: Int -> Int -> BitMap -> MircString
+bmpToMirc _ 0 _ = []
+bmpToMirc pitch height bmp =lineToMirc (take pitch bmp) ++ "\n"
+ ++ bmpToMirc pitch (height-1) (drop pitch bmp)
+w8Split :: Word8 -> [Word8] -> [[Word8]]
+w8Split c = map S.unpack . S.split c . S.pack
+w8ToString :: [Word8] -> String
+w8ToString = S.Char8.unpack . S.pack
+ppmToImage :: PpmBmp -> Image
+ppmToImage ppm = Image
+ (intercalate [S.Internal.c2w '\n'] $ drop 3
+ (w8Split (S.Internal.c2w '\n') ppm))
+ ((read (w8ToString
+ ((w8Split (S.Internal.c2w ' ') ((w8Split
+ (S.Internal.c2w '\n') ppm) !! 1)) !! 0)))*3)
+ (read ( w8ToString
+ ((w8Split (S.Internal.c2w ' ') ((w8Split
+ (S.Internal.c2w '\n') ppm) !! 1)) !! 1)))
+ircConnect :: String -> MircString
+ircConnect credentials = printf "NICK miaowe\r\n\
+ \USER nya 0 * :mew mew\r\n\
+ \PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %s\r\n" credentials
+waitForMessage :: (String -> Bool) -> IO String
+waitForMessage p = getLine >>= \l -> if p l
+ then return l
+ else
+ (if (words l)!!0 == "PING"
+ then
+ putStr
+ ("PONG " ++ ((words l)!!1) ++ "\r\n")
+ >> hFlush stdout
+ else return ())
+ >> waitForMessage p
+waitForCloak :: IO String
+waitForCloak = waitForMessage (\l -> (words l)!!1 == "396")
+waitForCommand :: IO String
+waitForCommand = waitForMessage (\l -> if ((length (words l)) >= 4)
+ then ((words l)!!3 == ":miaowe:")
+ else False)
+joinChannel :: String -> IO ()
+joinChannel c = putStr (printf "JOIN %s\r\n" c)
+sendToChannel :: IrcChannel -> MircString -> IO ()
+sendToChannel c s = (putStr $ concat $ map (\l -> printf "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" c l)
+ (lines s)) >> hFlush stdout
+sendFile :: IrcChannel -> FilePath -> IO ()
+sendFile channel path = S.readFile path
+ >>= sendToChannel channel .
+ (\img ->bmpToMirc
+ (imgPitch img)
+ (imgHeight img)
+ (imgBmp img)) .
+ ppmToImage .
+ S.unpack .
+ S.Char8.pack .
+ intercalate "\n" .
+ filter (\l->not (head l == '#')) .
+ lines .
+ S.Char8.unpack
+trySendFile :: IrcChannel -> FilePath -> IO ()
+trySendFile channel path = (doesFileExist (path)
+ >>= (\b ->
+ if b
+ then
+ sendFile channel (path)
+ else
+ sendToChannel channel "No such file."
+ >> hFlush stdout))
+processCommand :: IrcChannel -> MircString -> IO ()
+processCommand channel command | (words command)!!4 == "Quit" = exitSuccess
+ | otherwise = (if isInfixOf "/" ((words command)!!4)
+ then
+ sendToChannel channel
+ "Only PWD please."
+ else
+ trySendFile channel
+ ((words command)!!4))
+mainLoop :: IrcChannel -> IO ()
+mainLoop channel = waitForCommand
+ >>= \line ->
+ processCommand channel line
+ >> mainLoop channel
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ openFile "conf" ReadMode
+ >>= hGetLine
+ >>= putStr . ircConnect
+ >> hFlush stdout
+ >> waitForCloak
+ >> hFlush stdout
+ >> getArgs
+ >>= \args ->
+ joinChannel (args!!0)
+ >> hFlush stdout
+ >> mainLoop (args!!0)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..424aee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# To debug, uncomment and move >&p to end of line.
+coproc nc 6667 # |tee /dev/stderr
+./miaowe $1 <&p >&p # |tee /dev/stderr
+pkill nc